Tuesday, May 22, 2018

PHL Navy getting P77-B worth of equipment under 2nd horizon of AFP modernization

PHL Navy getting P77-B worth of equipment under 2nd horizon of AFP modernization

President Rodrigo Duterte said during the 120th anniversary celebration of Philippine Navy at Coconut Palace, CCP Complex, Manila that the government is now working on implementing the Second Horizon of the Revised AFP Modernization Program which encompasses a number of projects for the Philippine Navy amounting to PHP77 billion.

“We live in exciting times for our armed forces as we further enhance the capability of our Navy,” he said.
“Since the beginning of this administration, I have exerted efforts to upgrade your equipment and artillery, which now include additional two units of TC90 aircraft, two units of multi-purpose assault crafts and one strategic sealift vessel, among others,” he said.

“Together with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), I am confident that one day, we will realize our aspiration of building a strong and resilient nation,” he said.
“I therefore ask each of you to do your part so that in the next 120 years, we can establish a naval force that will last lifetime and maybe we can start invading other nations,” he noted.

Source: https://pcoo.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/20180522-Speech_of_President_Rodrigo_Roa_Duterte_during_the_120th_Philippine_Navy_Anniversary.pdf

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